Glass texture
In this Photoshop tutorial you will learn how to create a glass texture effect. You need to use various effect filters for this tutorial.
Glass texture
Step 1
Open a new Photoshop document with the size 640 x 480.
Set the foreground colour to #6edbff and the background colour to #000000.
Step 2
Select Filter > Render > Clouds and you should get the following pattern.
Step 3
Select Filter > Artistic > Plastic Wrap and add the following settings:
- Highlight strength = 10
- Details = 5
- Smoothness = 3

Step 4
Select Filter > Distort > Glass and add the following settings below:
- Distortion = 10
- Smoothness = 3
- Texture = Tiny Lens
- Scaling = 80%

Step 5
Now duplicate the current layer by selecting Ctrl + J and change the blend mode to ‘Screen’.

You should now have a glass texture effect.
what a simple way.... nice
This is great, thank you!
This was really cool and simple, I wanted it bigger and just applied a double to almost everthing you said and it worked beautifully. Thanks a lot.
This is good work, thank you!
Thank you. Very nice.
Thank You!! Very easy! :)
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